Е Н Морес - Мамин Полет

Download Е Н Морес - Мамин Полет
Artist: Е Н Морес
Album: Мамин Полет


Filename: e-n-mores-mamin-polet.zip

Review by Victor Onyema

Е Н Морес' album "Мамин Полет" is a mesmerizing and emotional journey through the artist's personal experiences and reflections on life. The album features a unique blend of traditional and modern styles of music, including folk, pop, and electronic elements.

The album begins with the hauntingly beautiful "Полет," which sets the tone for the rest of the album. The track features a gentle guitar melody, accompanied by Е Н Морес' soulful vocals, creating a sense of yearning and longing. The album's title track, "Мамин Полет," is a poignant tribute to the artist's mother, with lyrics that speak to the deep bond between a mother and child.

Throughout the album, Е Н Морес' lyrics are deeply personal and introspective, exploring themes of love, loss, and the complexities of human relationships. The track "Лети" is a standout, with its infectious beat and catchy chorus, while "Родина" is a haunting ballad that showcases the artist's vocal range.

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Мамин Полет


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Catalog Numbers

5956, 5957


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About Е Н Морес

Real Name

    • Евгения Николаевна Морес

Name Vars

  • Е. Морес
  • Е. Морэс
  • Е. Н. Морес

Summary by Victor Onyema

"Мамин Полет" is a stunning album that showcases Е Н Морес' talent as a songwriter and vocalist. It is a must-listen for anyone who appreciates heartfelt, soulful music that speaks to the human experience.

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